Between Satan & Beelzebub, It Is Sometimes Worth Choosing
Transcribing and translating the interviews for Baba Babee Skazala was fascinating in many ways. I was impressed by the courage, stamina and cheerfulness of the Ukrainian refugees, and the good humor they brought to their harrowing and heart-rending stories. I was impressed, also, by the deep pride they exhibited in their Ukrainian heritage, and their fluent command of our language. But perhaps the most striking part about these stories was the interviewees’ decision to leave the Soviet Union and settle (if only impermanently) in Nazi Germany...
Мій перший вірш написаний в окопі,
на тій сипкій од вибухів стіні,
коли згубило зорі в гороскопі
моє дитинство, вбите на війні.
Ліна Костенко
My first poem was written in a trench
upon that wall crumbling from explosions
when the stars in the horoscope were killed
by my childhood, executed in the war.
Lina Kostenko
Transcribing and translating the interviews for Baba Babee Skazala was fascinating in many ways. I was impressed by the courage, stamina and cheerfulness of the Ukrainian refugees, and the good humor they brought to their harrowing and heart-rending stories. I was impressed, also, by the deep pride they exhibited in their Ukrainian heritage, and their fluent command of our language. But perhaps the most striking part about these stories was the interviewees’ decision to leave the Soviet Union and settle (if only impermanently) in Nazi Germany...
From what I know of Ukrainian history, I certainly expected to find this kind of unanimous resentment towards the Soviets; yet I did not expect Nazi Germany to be a more favorable alternative. Having experienced both the Soviet regime from 1939 to 1941, and the Nazi occupation from then onwards, many of these Ukrainian immigrants willingly chose to live in Nazi Germany – which says a lot about the Soviet Union.
For instance, Ivanna M. took a three-month-long journey from Ukraine to Czechoslovakia by train, one which had no beds or bathrooms. She subsequently endured two labor camps, one of which was Strasshof, where the food “was impossible to eat.” The Nazis also sent her to work in Germany as an “ostarbeiter.” But even having endured those aspects of the Nazi occupation, she still made the decision to settle in Germany when the Soviet army pushed back against the Nazis in 1943. When she tried to leave Czechoslovakia to go west, the Soviets arrested her at the border and took away all her belongings, but let her go. And she made the decision to go to Germany – barefoot and empty-handed.
Another fascinating case, Sophia W. left her sick 2-year-old child behind in the Soviet Union when escaping to Germany, whom her father-in-law would care for while she fled. Dmytro F. went to school under the Nazis, determined to complete his education, though he had endured multiple hardships and humiliations: he was sent to punitive camps (“straf-lager”s) & forced to pick up small rocks under railway tracks, among other things.
Ukrainian Ostarbeiters Getting on a Train from Kyiv to Germany (PC: InfoUkes)
The interviewees explain their rationale for fleeing the USSR. Born in Western Ukraine, they all experienced the Soviet occupation of 1939, and the reoccupation of the territory by the Red Army in 1943. Orysya S.’s father constructed a factory only to see it expropriated by the Soviets, then by the Nazis. Her brother was arrested twice by the Soviets on charges of nationalist activity. Similarly, Ivanna M. spoke through tears about her sister who was executed by the Soviets for participating in the OUN (Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists). Dmytro F.’s family of farmers had their land taken away by the Soviets.
Joint German-Soviet Military Parade in Brest, Poland, 1939 (PC: Bundesarchiv)
Timothy Snyder’s book Bloodlands captures this unenviable fate of those trapped in between the front lines of the world’s deadliest war, having to choose between Satan and Beelzebub. In this spirit, interviewee Volodymyr H. clearly sees the Soviet Army as a land-hungry aggressor when explaining his reason for going west: “I was afraid that because Russian army was just very aggressive and I was afraid that they will invade all Europe and they will grab England, everything, so I said, as far as I can go, so it is America.” The Red Army is clearly not a liberator, but just as imperialistic as Hitler’s forces.
These stories are more than relevant today, and not just in the context of the refugee crisis. In many parts of Ukraine, Soviet propaganda still clouds people’s perception of the history of World War Two. I grew up in Kharkiv, a city where many people still see the history of the Soviet Union favorably. Until recently, before the decommunization campaign, I could walk along Lenin prospect and Dzerzhinsky street and see Lenin’s monument in Kharkiv’s central square. Unlike my parents, however, I was taught in Ukrainian history classes about the horrors of Stalin’s repression of the intelligentsia, the secret protocol to the Nazi-Soviet non-aggression pact that annexed Western Ukraine to Russia, the Holodomor famine, etc. To many people in the United States who were raised to hate the Soviet Union and everything it stands for, these stories will seem unsurprising. Yet, for modern-day Ukraine, they shed light on some important topics that have long been obscured by Soviet propaganda. Especially today, when Ukraine is suffering from Russian information warfare, the need for oral history of this kind is especially welcome and dire.
Demolition of Lenin Statue in Kharkiv, the Author's Home Town, September 2014 (PC: Kpamua)
Even the Americans' Allied soldiers back in 1945 did not fully understand the oppressive nature of the Soviet state. They were surprised to see, when the Soviets started taking people back home, that the Ukrainians resisted. “There were even cases when they jumped from windows to kills themselves because they did not want to go to Russia, because nothing good awaited them there. Then the Americans started wondering what was going on, why those people were afraid of going back to Russia. Poles went back to Poland, Italians to their country, but Ukrainians did not want to go anywhere, nor did the Lithuanians or the Estonians; they were afraid of coming back. Then the Americans realized who those people were, why they did not want to go back to Russia. They were afraid of being taken to Siberia – even those people who said: “I am going home, they are taking us home” – they were not really taking them home. They took them to Siberia and took away all their possessions.” (Baba Babee Skazala Interviewee)
Timothy Snyder’s book created the image of two evils, Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union, and raised some ethically difficult - and almost unanswerable questions - about comparing them. Yet people caught in between the fronts did face the real, tangible choice of where to live. And the fact that there were many who chose Nazi Germany makes us want to dig deeper into their pasts and tell their stories, especially to those in Ukraine and Russia who have been barred so long from the truth.
California, Heart & Home
Projects like Baba Babee Skazala are often as much about self-discovery as they are about discovering others’ stories. Preparing to do oral history interviews in Los Angeles really brought that point “home” in many ways. Leaving UC Berkeley, California & driving to LA - start of the cross-country road trip.
Driving from Berkeley to Los Angeles to Film Oral History Interviews
…My thoughts are scattered and they're cloudy,
They have no borders, no boundaries
They echo and they swell
From Tolstoy to Tinker Bell
Down from Berkeley to Carmel
Got some pictures in my pocket and a lot of time to kill…
~from Cloudy, Gorrie & Stuart; recorded by Simon & Garfunkel
Cloudy by Simon & Garfunkel
Thoughts of leaving Berkeley, California while traveling to Los Angeles to film for this oral history project
Projects like Baba Babee Skazala are often as much about self-discovery as they are about discovering others’ stories. Preparing to do interviews in Los Angeles really brought that point “home” in many ways.
After spending much of the past four years in the same apartment in downtown Berkeley, it was time for me to leave UC Berkeley and, as it seemed then, California. Of all the times I had traveled from East to West Coast during these years, this trip would be the first cross-country drive. So many memories, so many plans, so much uncertainty, and miles of highway to ponder it all. But, because of Baba Babee Skazala, the first leg of the trip would be driving to Los Angeles, rather than a straight shot East from the Bay Area.
My dog, Glacier, and I saying farewell to the Campanile, UC Berkeley.
We planned to drive the iconic California Highway 1 to savor every moment left of my time in California, but the fire gods did not cooperate with this plan. As we were to leave – the Soberanes Fire (one that could be seen from space last year) closed the highway near Big Sur and the campground we had planned to enjoy en route to LA.
View of Soberanes Fire, California from space, August 2016. The resulting road closure detoured our road trip to Los Angeles for oral history interviews.
Wanting to avoid Interstate 5, we took the 101. There, we encountered our own view of the Soberanes Fire and car troubles.
No, that is not cloud cover - it is haze from the Soberanes Wildfire, as seen on our drive from Berkeley to Los Angeles on Highway 101
It is never a good sign when your car indicators light up and you have to check the owner’s manual to see what the problem is! Here: engine malfunction; slowly proceed to the nearest service location. Um, great, just great!
Still, we made it to LA, took the car in for repairs and got a loaner so we could get on with our work. Once settled in, we were thrilled to work with Evan Yee again and some of his friends. A few extra hands and cameras never hurt!
In addition to interviewing some awesome people, we also were able to witness and record a festival at the Ukrainian Cultural Center and see one of our interviewees’ Ukrainian shop located on the second floor of the Cultural Center. What a sight to see – artwork in many different mediums from all the different regions of Ukraine, and even modern art with Ukrainian style and references. Such a meaningful space maintained over 20 years by one of our interviewees. Clearly, art is a meaningful way for her to cherish, preserve and share her culture.
Be sure to check it out if you’re in the area and on Facebook!
We even did some sightseeing with our new friends.
Here we are, fitting ourselves into one selfie with the HOLLYWOOD sign in the background.
And, here is my personal reminder from the Griffith Observatory that Berkeley will always be a part of me. GO BEARS!
The fantastic part about this trip was that everything was so inspiring, encouraging and exciting that we forgot that we were in LA traffic half the time!
Be sure to join our community and follow Baba Babee Skazala to learn more about the arts of Ukraine and the Ukrainian culture! Pysanky are amazing but there is SO much more to Ukrainian art!
From here, we head back to Denver, then to Cleveland, then New York.
As for California… well…“you can check out any time you like, but you can never leave.” 😊
Subtitled: The Bookends - From Commencing College to Commencement
Our Grandparents, Our Memories
Since "Baba Babee Skazala" is "Grandmother told Grandmother," it is only fitting to honor my grandparents, without whom this project would not exist. When I was born, all four of my grandparents were alive. By the time I graduated from high school, only my mother's father and my father's mother (say that three times fast :) ) were with me to attend my high school graduation. (If you read my prior blog post, I bet you can guess what quote my graduation speech centered around.)Those two, Grandpa and Babcia, are the "bookends" for the evolution of this project during college.
By the time I graduated from Cal, my Babcia was my only living grandparent. Sadly, my Grandfather suddenly passed away just a couple of weeks after I started my freshman year at Berkeley. He lived right around the corner from me most of my childhood, and was very much a part of my everyday life. It was pretty traumatic to move across the country and immediately lose that mooring rope to home. I couldn't even go home for a funeral; instead, we held a later memorial service that coincided with a school holiday and regional skating competition. This loss influenced my perspective of college life and the importance of family history. As events unfolded in Ukraine in the coming years, "Baba Babee Skazala" developed from an idea of a few family interviews to a broader concept of preserving stories and memories of a group for whom this has not been done in a cohesive way and creating a documentary film that would make their compelling stories accessible to a broader audience than those who might do research in library archives.
By college graduation, a project proposal was written and I was in search of funding sources. Babcia was with me at graduation, has helped organize interviews and (spoiler alert) agreed to be one of the interviewees! "Baba Babee Skazala" is off and running, but we do need your support to have a broad base of interviews and create a meaningful film.
Thanks for reading and please send us your thoughts through our Contact Page!
With Babcia at College Graduation (photo credit: Aishwarya Aravind)